permaculture poster
Permaculture poster
Permaculture poster
Inspired by the Hungarian partner, Agnes Repka, I bought this year a dehydrator. I was unhappy being dependent on cereals, bread and pasta and tried to find an alternative for this. For the Dutch meeting, I needed to make a lot of linseed crackers and I discovered to do this with my speciality, the wild plants. So […]
Door Rascha Wisse, Conferentie initiatief van Eosta, 26-27 juni 2015, Tropeninstituut KIT Amsterdam Tegen de tijd dat je klaar bent om deze alinea te lezen heeft de industriële landbouw al 1300 vierkante meter grond vernietigd, door verzilting, erosie, verzuring, vergiftiging, uitspoeling en verdichting. We zijn het ons misschien niet bewust, maar we staan op de […]
Supporting farmers by Linda de Bruijn, Netherlands I was invited to join the final gathering of the Future of Food Project in Hungary. Fifty years ago I was born on a farm in the south of the Netherlands. My parents had moved with their families as children from another part of the country to search for […]
We enjoyed the beauty of nature in edible flowers. Click here to see and download a poster with common edible flowers: edible flowers2
In Ireland we learned about edible seaweeds and foraged them to prepare dishes. Click here to see and download the poster of edible seaweeds: Seaweed poster Click here to see and download the backside of the poster with recipes: Seaweed poster recipes:
In almost all meetings (Spain, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Hungary) we learned about edible wild plants and foraged them for fresh salads and smoothies. Klik here to see and download the PDF-poster of edible wild plants: 15.6 Wild plants poster Klik here to see and download the backsite of the poster with recipes: 15.6 Wild plants poster recipes
One of the aspects of the future of food, is to relearn to save seeds. Our dependency on buying seeds for food, from fewer and bigger companies every year, makes us vulnarable. Rare and local traditional varieties are disappearing. This posters gives an overview of the most common used vegetables and how to save their […]
Permacultuur posters 14-2-25 borden-info
Our host: Ecovillage Sieben Linden For the 3rd Future of Food meeting the FOF members went to Germany to visit ecovillage Sieben Linden. Situated about 200 km west of Berlin in a region that once was part of the former German Democratic Republic, a new village was built from scratch completely out of natural materials. […]