Category Archives: Food Preparation

Healthy food recipes and food ideas from the Irish meeting

Autumm is the harvest time for plants! See what we had in our feast in Ireland. Sprouts of chickpeas, mung beans, lentils and alfalfa! Goes well with any meal, even in the breakfast bowl! Era is making the salad dressing Raw food picnic after the seaweed foraging Autumm Beetroot salad – colour theraphy – Beetroot, apples and […]

KAS survey on the Future of Food

SURVEY DEADLINE: 29th of March 2015 The intention behind this survey is to document your ideas on what educational experiences are best suited to address the future of food and how they can do it. Imagine you had the opportunity to design an learning experience on sustainable and healthy food for planet and people. ***What would […]

Kefir-fizzing good!

Kefir -A health boosting superfood! During the Irish learning visit, learners were introduced to Kefir by local nutritionist Colette Mc Mahon from the TrueFood Academy, who is an advocate for the power of Kefir to restore vitality to weakened digestive systems. It is a fermented, enzyme-rich food and is known to regulate the immune system, through […]

Raw food recipes and food ideas from the German meeting

Here is a collection of the recipes we shared and learnt during our meeting in Germany. Ingredients were collected wildly or harvested freshly from the organic garden of the ecovillage Sieben Linden or bought from local organic farmers. We hope to give you inspiration on what to put on your table! Enjoy Note: Best to use […]

Spirulina Initiative in Kenya

Spirulina  Project  Kenya Following our very interesting tour of the Chlorella business outside Sieben Linden and the Global v Local discussion we had during our German trip, Didi, a member of our Co-op here in Ireland kept coming into my mind. The Spirulina project which she has been involved in developing and managing in Kenya […]

Creating delicious food together in Spain

Creating delicious food in Spain November 2013 For four days we came together and active shared ideas and recipes during lunch and dinner preparation times, about 4,5 hours a day to give an idea about the time spend on this by different participants. We learned many things about gorgeous looking and tasting food, fully made […]