In the kickoff meeting in Hungary we worked together to create a common vision on the four fields of the project:
1 collecting and growing
2 preparation of food
3 eating and sharing
4 communication and education
Elements where used from different cocreating techniques, like Dragon Dreaming and Worldcafé.
Step 1: brainstorming
We divided ourselves in four groups, based on the four themes of the project.
Every group started brainstorming on one of the four topics on a big sheet of paper. These papers are given around to the other groups to add keywords and comments. Every group added comments on all of the four sheets.
Step 2: harvesting
Everybody looked for the three most important keywords from each of the four sheets and wrote them on small papers. If necessery new words could be used. In the end we had eight times three keywords is 24 keywords per field.
Step 3: organising
The original groups took all the keywords in their field and looked for groups and patterns and overall keywords.
Step 3: forming sentences
From these keywords we formed sentences for the four fields.
These sentencess express our common vision on the topic and will be used to formulate our overall vision on the project Future of Food.
Results of Common Vision:
Field 1: Growing and collecting:
1. Growing and collecting is about establishing a healthy relationship between society and earth cq. nature by practising sustainable, resilient methods.
2. Growing and collecting is about co-creating a healthy soil, leading to healthy food, leading to healthy people.
3. model, easy to do!, based on diversity and resilience (diversity of methods, biodiversity, resources like seeds…)
Field 2: Foodpreparation:
1. Foodpreparation is a transformative marriage between nature and culture.
2. It creates a new dimension of quality and health by love, creativity, passion and joy
3. It is based on knowledge and wisdom, honouring cultural diversity.
4. It is a basic recipe for a healthy life.
Field 3: Eating and sharing:
1. Eating and sharing is about making food available for everyone, honouring and celebrating our food and where it came from.
2. On a personal level it helps creating life energy and consciousness.
3. In groups it can create community building.
Field 4: Communication & Education:
1. Our aim is to communicate our work in an accessible and inclusive way, using fun and participative methodologies, that honour diversity and collective intelligence.
2. We want to find a new language by which we can relate to the true nature of food.
3. We want to empower people to create resilient communities.