Dutch Programme Day 1

On Monday evening the learners arrived from the 4 visiting countries and had a chance to meet each other for the first time at the Uelensphiegel in Uffelte.

MW15 whitechakra4  Workshop ‘Chakra’s and food’

Belinda Van der pool arranged a beautiful welcoming workshop with food and the chakras. 7 plates of food were arranged in different colours, each representing a chakra. The learners were asked to first go to the plate that attracted them the least and then to the one they were most attracted to. Whilst some were attracted purely by colour, others by scent and one expressed he preferred the plate with local food one-a debate or theme that would re-emerge later in the week with Lydia’s Food thermometer exercise. This was a very welcome way to introduce people to the week-with vibrant colorful plates of food.

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About Fionnuala

Fionnuala Collins works at East Clare Community Co-operative and is the Irish co-ordinator for this project. A philosophy graduate, she has furthered her studies with Community Development practice and Youth and Community work. Fionnuala is interested in how food can build partnerships and communities, especially in the act of sharing nutritious meals as a form of celebration. She is interested in why food poverty exists, and if there are really foods and diet lifestyles that either boost or destroy health. Fionnuala thinks The future of food partnership will bring together many aspects of community development practice and sustainable food production and sharing. Furthermore through sharing ideas, research and learning on what is the right direction for the future of food we might learn if there is a sustainable and health enhancing diet for the here and now.

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