Thursday morning started with a session by Fionnuala Collins from East Clare Co-op on informal learning tools for adults-using rhythm to move energy in a group to create decisive action and make products from the words and energies stirred up in the group on the theme of food injustice. 2 plays, 3 posters and a 3d sculpture were the products created in this session.
Through this the group of learners were introduced to the idea of putting ideas into action and of sharing their learning through the media available-posters, article writing, film, booklets etc. The final 2 days were dedicated to this bar the session from Lydia on the food thermometer to give learners a chance to exchange views and take a position on certain food related issues. This was very interesting and ended with people voicing their hopes for what the future of food will look like.
Well Done to Monique and the Dutch team for organising such a packed and diverse programme-food for thought , food for the soul and food for the body.