Day 2
Opening counsel in the local woodlands with Sebastian Burch.
Counsel reminds us to be present, clear the air and share who we are in the moment-however that may be. In the counsel there is honesty and spontaneity and equality. There is no hierarchy. As a symbolic totem is passed around the circle everybody listens to the one who speaks and all voices may be heard or one can remain silent if no words flow from the heart. It is a sacred space and what happens in the circle stays in the circle. It would be a wonderful tool to teach in schools to honour each other, respect the speaker by listening in silence. It also teaches us how to share, to speak with intention and say only what is needed in the moment. Can you imagine a global counsel where our wisest are sent to listen and to share from the perspective of unconditional respect?
First session-Strategy for learners to share their learning
Using the idea of Knowledge, Skills abd Attitudes in the hands, head and heart trilogy the spanish Co-ordinator leads the session. The participants are asked to draw themselves in terms of their current skills, knowledge and values as a way of introduction to non formal learning tools and to empower participants to see themselves as journalists, photographers, diary keepers, artists, cooks and people of common sense. They are invited to express their learning and energy in whatever form feels appropriate to them. It is still early in the group life for some to feel inspired to create work, but we mention it so that when they are experiencing the programme and our week together, they will engage not as passive recipients of some prescribed wisdom but more like active citizens awake in their own curiosity.
Common sense time
In the life of every group tasks are needed, so the time slots before and after meals are dedicated to housekeeping, practical tasks, food preparation tasks in support of the cook and such things as need to be done to care for our space and maybe ourselves. We have a loose timetable drawn up and people are free to fill themselves in where they like. It works well and everything gets done somehow. I think it is a good example of getting the balance right between structure and flow-themes that emerge often in adult education-so that our time together is fruitful.
Workshop Session
Nature as a mirror-The 4 elements Workshop-Irish co-ordinator leads a session in the nearby woodlands. See link here for one participants experience of it.
Cultural Slot
One of the the Irish participants Marie (see LINK) who teaches set dancing in Ireland offers a session. How quickly the participants learn the basic steps! Ready for a final nights singing and dancing exchange between all countries.