wild edible flora of Asturias, Spain

Here is our first little documentary, filmed at Posada del Valle, Asturias, Spain, during the first learning partnership meeting in november 2013.

There was no script, only the idea and a just-do-it-approach. So Cristina and Jörg went into the garden of our venue and filmed everything that didn’t run away quick enough. Afterwards Jörg just glued the snippets together and – voilà!

Jörg could be seen as some kind of wild herb ‘expert’ for he has 10 years of experience in this field by now.

This film is in english, with latin subtitles for the wild plants.


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About Jörg Zimmermann

Dipl.-Ing. agricultural Jörg Zimmermann has been working for more than 10 years with wild plants and the various possibilities of their use for human consumption. After completing preparatory studies in specialized agricultural science at the Humboldt University in Berlin, he moved to the University of Kassel/Witzenhausen and studied further Organic Agricultural Sciences. His personal focus was on pure vegetable, vegan-organic farming. After his studies, he moved to the ecovillage Sieben Linden. Since 2003 he lives and works mainly as organic vegetable gardener. In 2008 together with his compagnon he started the wild herb delivery business Wilde-7 GbR. In 2012 he and 3 other Sieben Linden residents started another co-op together: Raw Living Deutschland - an online marketplace for raw and healthy quality food. Politically he was active in an global agricultural network and several anti-gmo campaigns, beside other things. Since he chose a vegan lifestyle in 1997 he fell in love with food - and still is.

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