
Future of Food
Dates: A two years project that started in August, 2013 Participating countries: Hungary, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Germany,

Objective: This learning partnership aims to connect organizations in adult education to explore and exchange new insights of sustainable practices related to food for a healthy planet and for healthy people and share this knowledge in an inspirational way.

The project is addressing the problems of:

  • New challenges and questions arising in the areas of global food production
  • Recent economic crisis in relation to food
  • Alienation from Nature:
  • Lack of knowledge and consumer information for making healthy choices in food consumption
  • Social isolation and loss of community cohesion

In order to reach the above objectives, we are exploring the topic of sustainable food-related practices in the following 4 fields:

  1. Growing and collecting of food
  2. Food preparation
  3. Sharing and eating of food
  4. Education and communication


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