Category Archives: 6th Meeting

The little booklet of Children’s songs about food

This booklet for children and their parents is a result of the Future Of Food project. The Future of Food is a two year European learning partnership created to exchange practices related to sustainable and healthy food for planet and people. During a visit to Eco Village Sieben Linden in Germany in March 2015, an […]

red de bodem (

Door Rascha Wisse, Conferentie initiatief van Eosta, 26-27 juni 2015, Tropeninstituut KIT Amsterdam Tegen de tijd dat je klaar bent om deze alinea te lezen heeft de industriële landbouw al 1300 vierkante meter grond vernietigd, door verzilting, erosie, verzuring, vergiftiging, uitspoeling en verdichting. We zijn het ons misschien niet bewust, maar we staan op de […]

Diets and Landscapes

  What is the landscape we are creating? by Lucia Fernández During our FOF meeting in the wonderful Holland, I was very amused by the landscape and the differences in the ecosystems comparing to the place were I am coming from, which were always a source of inspiration. Going deeper into this topic, there was […]

poster edible wild plants

In almost all meetings (Spain, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Hungary) we learned about edible wild plants and foraged them for fresh salads and smoothies. Klik here to see and download the PDF-poster of edible wild plants: 15.6 Wild plants poster Klik here to see and download the backsite of the poster with recipes: 15.6 Wild plants poster recipes

Hungarian Meeting Diary – Overview

Hungarian meeting-June 11th-16th Agnes Repka the Hungarian co-ordinator organised the final meeting in Kelemen Majorsag,  in Piliscsev, about an hour from Budapest. Day One- We started with a welcome circle where each participant introduced themselves and spoke for a little time around their expectations for the week. This was followed by Sebastian outlining informal learning […]