Category Archives: Spanish Partner

Gaia y SofiaAbout the Spanish partner, Gaia y Sofia

Gaia y Sofia SLL is a small social company engaged in Holistic Education and Socio-Ecological work. A great deal of our time goes into non-formal education, organizing courses, workshops and events, on topics related to art, ecology and alternative ways of living. We love networking to build a more sustainable and fair future!

More about Gaia y Sofia click here

SebAbout the Spanish Coordinator, Seb

A Deep Ecologist absorbed by all the subtle qualities of Landscapes; I am a Gardener, farmer and land-artist at Posada del Valle. Since a child I’ve been fascinated by the meaning of Life, I’m a bit of a Biologist but mainly try to be a Holistic Learner. I’m guided by the Senses of Place, Self and Community in my work as Program Coordinator, IT Designer and E(co)facilitator at Gaia y Sofia SLL.

“I am very interested in food as a pillar for sustainable living, a way of being in the world!. New healthy food systems condensed and shared by 4 field Recipes for life.” Seb

Read articles published by the Spanish Coordinator:

Diets and Landscapes

  What is the landscape we are creating? by Lucia Fernández During our FOF meeting in the wonderful Holland, I was very amused by the landscape and the differences in the ecosystems comparing to the place were I am coming from, which were always a source of inspiration. Going deeper into this topic, there was […]

KAS survey on the Future of Food

SURVEY DEADLINE: 29th of March 2015 The intention behind this survey is to document your ideas on what educational experiences are best suited to address the future of food and how they can do it. Imagine you had the opportunity to design an learning experience on sustainable and healthy food for planet and people. ***What would […]

We are Loving it! “2*Videos”

 All around Sieben Linden beside the roads and tracks grow fruit trees of all sorts. For instance, apples at one lane, plums on the other and so on. It’s amazing sight for fruit lovers. This is a heritage of the GDR, the other, recently deceased, german state. Commonly, fruit trees where planted everywhere in rural areas and then […]