Category Archives: Spanish Partner

Gaia y SofiaAbout the Spanish partner, Gaia y Sofia

Gaia y Sofia SLL is a small social company engaged in Holistic Education and Socio-Ecological work. A great deal of our time goes into non-formal education, organizing courses, workshops and events, on topics related to art, ecology and alternative ways of living. We love networking to build a more sustainable and fair future!

More about Gaia y Sofia click here

SebAbout the Spanish Coordinator, Seb

A Deep Ecologist absorbed by all the subtle qualities of Landscapes; I am a Gardener, farmer and land-artist at Posada del Valle. Since a child I’ve been fascinated by the meaning of Life, I’m a bit of a Biologist but mainly try to be a Holistic Learner. I’m guided by the Senses of Place, Self and Community in my work as Program Coordinator, IT Designer and E(co)facilitator at Gaia y Sofia SLL.

“I am very interested in food as a pillar for sustainable living, a way of being in the world!. New healthy food systems condensed and shared by 4 field Recipes for life.” Seb

Read articles published by the Spanish Coordinator:

Recetas Crudarianas y consejos de Rascha

Creando comida deliciosa en España, Noviembre 2013 ¿Cómo preparar las verduras? ¿cómo presentarlo bonito?, por lo general, utilizamos verduras y alimentos con colores bonitos y formas, por ejemplo unas rodajas redondas de remolacha o boniato, unas tiras verdes de calabacín, o una espiral cortada de calabaza. ¡deja tu fantasía correr! Para recrear los ojos y […]

Primeros pasos en el mundo de las “Culturas Alimentarias”

Durante nuestra reunión española, exploramos juntos los 4 campos de trabajo, RECOLECCIÓN Y CULTIVO, PREPARACIÓN DE LA COMIDA, COMPARTIENDO LA COMIDA, y EDUCACIÓN Y COMUNICACIÓN. Compartimos conocimientos, habilidades e ideas traídas desde distintas realidades culturales a lo largo de Europa. Para al final, darnos cuenta de que nuestra percepción de la comida, era incluso más […]

First steps into the world of Food Cultures

During our meeting in Spain, we explored our four fields, GROWING AND COLLECTING, FOOD PREPARATION, EATING AND SHARING and COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION. We shared knowledge, skills and ideas from many different cultural backgrounds along Europe. And we did realize that food was even more important at a personal level, feeling identified by similar attitudes rooted […]